Toram online forest wolf garb
Toram online forest wolf garb

toram online forest wolf garb

As we all know, this is the only place in Toram you can test your skills and character's strength(NO PVP ATM) so let's jump into it. Boss hunting is one of the exciting things to do in an MMORPG. At some point now, it's time to venture more and get to the world of killing something you'll be challenged. Element: Wood(Earth) - Weak against Fire Gear Drops: Colon met Item Drops: Colon Leaf, Boss colon skin, Sofya city(port) Xtal: HP+70, MP+30 ATK +12, ATK +6, DEF -4. Gear Drops - Forest wolf garb, forest wolf bow. Item Drops - Pomum leaf, Spider silk, Nut.

toram online forest wolf garb

Item Drops - Bird wing, Long beak, Wind slash feather. The quest is called small articles in the ruins. Toram Drop List land under development: Torpo - lvl 7 Gear Drops - Pointed hat. Gear Drops - Horns, Adventurer's garb (Light blue dye A) Item Drops - Fluffy fur, Animal horn, Gorgeous fur. Gear Drops - Forest wolf garb Body, Wolf horn Bow Item Drops - Forest wolf skin, Forest wolf claw, Four leaf clover. Item Drop - Bird wing, Long beak,Wind wing AGI + 1. Why you ask? Well it gives you 11,400 exp for every 30 small articles you give Lefina (located in the middle of sofya). Item Drop - Colon leaf, Unripe nut, Bundled leaves. Now here is the secret, you save up all your small article drops for the quest in sofa city. Marbaro Forest: Deepest Part Forest wolf (Boss) - lvl 30 Gear Drops - Forest wolf garb Item Drops - Forest wolf claw, Forest wolf skin, Forest wolf horn, Four-leaf clover Xtal - Forest wolf Icule Lake Cobre - Lv 12 Gear Drops - Item Drops - Hard Dragon Skin, Orange Crystal Fragment, Brosche - Lv 14 Gear Drops - Item Drops - Icule Water Miwi.

toram online forest wolf garb

Nicked blade (sell to npc for 2 spina each) Torn cloth (sell to npc for 3 spina each) They give over 30 exp per kill, have low hp and spawn everywhere. The huge spawn and amount of people there on every channel will allow you to join a party fairly easy. Goblins, yeah that's right goblins all the way. I suggest killing anything weak enough since it's pretty easy to get to lvl 10. Find hunting palace is another thing you might do as well beside quest : Get them accomplished at most as you progress. klo ada yg tau siapa momod CHG kasi tau kita2 ya buat lapor bikin trit official toram online 23-07-2015 15:21. Yes, doing quests at least help you on leveling up while getting rewards including but not limited to SPINA. There are 2 types of quests, the Story Quests and Side Quests. baru tadi pagi kelar crafting sendiri forest wolf garb, tinggal bikin claw sama acc agi 2 biji. The first easy resource you have is to do quests. Sadly, you need resources to achieve those goals(SPINA such as one!!). Now your character might be built well, or you already had things in your mind that you plan to do with your character in-game. It will be helpful to fast leveling without confused at first time in Toram world.įirst things is to build your own hero. If you are newbie in Toram Online, this guide will help your way from beginner.

Toram online forest wolf garb