Brave, GNU IceCat, and Pale Moon are probably your best bets out of the 9 options. From: : Mark H Weaver: Subject: : Re: PATCH gnu: icecat: Display IPA. IceCat includes additional security features, such as the option to block third party zero-length image files resulting in third party cookies, also known as web bugs8 (This feature is available in Firefox 1.0, 1.5, and 3.0, but the UI option was absent on 2.0).8 GNU IceCat also provides warnings for URL redirection. Technical Title: GNU IceCat 31.5. Below is the list of addons that we have checked to be Free. Its main advantage is an ethical one: it is entirely free software. GNUzilla is the GNU version of the Mozilla suite, and GNU IceCat is the GNU version of the Firefox browser.
Because of this issue, the GNU IceCat browser cant advise users to install and use them, in general. Item posted by Ruben RodriguezIf the slouch toward Google+ isn’t turning out to really be your style either, the alternatives are worth considering. Because otherwise 4K videos play just fine locally using the CPU. Many of these addons dont explicitly define a license, even if the original author thought it was unnecessary, so they cant be considered Free Software. Wilcox himself uses a Jekyll blog with GitHub Pages-“not the easiest of products to use,” he admitted, but the system keeps his posts in a portable format.īoth Whited and Wilcox have a near-complete set of solutions for navigating away from Google-messaging, writing, photos, calendars, music, and videos are all taken care of. When it comes to blogging, “frankly anything is better than Blogger,” Wilcox said, and he offered a number of (also free) alternatives including WordPress and Tumblr. He uses Feedbin to replace Reader, iAWriter instead of Docs/Drive, and Skype via Adium instead of Google Talk. Website designer Adam Wilcox said he solves the Gmail problem with Fastmail and that he also uses DuckDuckGo as a search engine. GNU IceCat (Unofficial builds for Windows 圆4) Download Releases or use Chocolatey package manager.

Whited added that he’s sticking with Gmail as he hasn’t been able to find a suitable free alternative.

Physicist and engineer Sam Whited wrote about his preferred Google service replacements: OpenStreetMap and MapBox for Maps, DuckDuckGo for search, App.net or Diaspora for Google+, and GNU IceCat or Firefox for Chrome.