new( "Ride_of_the_Valkyries.mp3") - play audio file, looping forever local soundChannel = song:play(0,math.huge) - Set song volume to 50%, not set globally soundChannel:setVolume(0.5) - need to load a ttf font, size cannot specify character size in TextField local font = TTFont.

a - Helloworld sample - setup our window to our 1280x800 resolution application:setLogicalDimensions(1280,800) application:setOrientation(Application.LANDSCAPE_LEFT) - Load song, cannot use relative path to parent directory since file needs to be added to project local song = Sound. That is why some versions have two lua files, while others have only one.Ĭa - a application = ) - create text to display on screen in 72point font local helloText = display.newText( "Hello World!",0,0,native.systemFont,72) - center to screen helloText.x = ntentWidth/2 helloText.y = ntentHeight/2 - red helloText:setTextColor(255,0,0) - function to handle touch event, move helloText to the touch location function onTouchHandler( event) helloText.x = event.x helloText.y = event.y end - register touch function to respond to global touch events Runtime:addEventListener( "touch",onTouchHandler) Some files handle window creation in a different file, some handle it in a single file. Then we are going to create a Hello World text/graphic centered to the screen, and position it where ever the user clicks/touches. In this sample we are going to create a window at a resolution of 1280×800, then we are going to start a background song looping ( Richard Wagners – Ride of the Valkyrie taken from here ). If you wish to submit a better rendition, please do so!
I do not pretend mastery of any of these suites, or Lua in general, so take the code for what it’s worth. Now we are going to look at a simple Hello World app written with each suite. * Note, I gave iTunes link only, although many of those games are also available on Google Play. Paid cloud computing offering for back-end services
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Hopefully this will help you decide which engine is right for you.Ĭannot publish to app store with free version Then we will follow up with a simple Hello World example for each, so you can see what the code would look like. First there will be a matrix of features, to give you an “at a glance” view of what each engine offers. Alright, the title might be a bit over the top… what we are about to do is look at some of the most popular 2D game engines powered by Lua.